domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

The Mystery of Jihadi John: Does He Have a Body Double of Two or Three or Many More?

Here we go again, on a mad international manhunt for a Master terrorist. Thirteen years ago it was Osama bin Laden, who was at least well known and identifiable. Maybe. Romors persisted of Osama doubles emerging worldwide, just as in Iraq Sadaam Hussein doubles were seen everywhere during his decades of tyrannical rule. The world was mobilized because of the shock and extent of the unexpected attacks on 9-11.

Now the chase is on for Jihadi John. In this instance the world was mobilized by a few beheadings of freelancers, whether journalists or aid workers in Iraq.
U.S. and U.K. allies have mobilized and deployed to Iraq. Some are there on advisory roles supposedly, as in the case of the SAS who were deployed on a massive Jihadi John manhunt. Latest reports from the U.K. Defense is that the SAS has killed over 200 suspected terrorists, at an average of eight a day since they deployed for an "advisory and training" role.

But does anyone know who this mysterious Jihadi John is, the mastermind of a rag tag group that has the world quaking, who conveniently hides behind a black mask and body coverings? Not really, according the the Telegraph covering the manhunt and the mission to take out ISIS. But who is ISIS? That question is even more ambiguous.

This video questions, "Who is Jihadi John?' A young punk who has the whole world terrorized. Hardly, and hardly are involved defense departments telling their publics why this new manhunt that could last another thirteen years.

Source: The Telegraph / Soldier of fortune