miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015

Arrest Made In Holiday Home Burglary Case

MIAMI GARDENS — Miami Gardens Police have arrested one of the men wanted in a holiday burglary.

Gregory Cooper, 27, was one of four people wanted in the burglary of a home at NW 176th Street and Sunshine State Parkway.

Police said Cooper and the other assailants stole all of the family’s Christmas presents among other items.

Luckily, the Kiwanis Club of Miami Gardens and officers stepped in to give the family gifts and donations.

The Mystery Device - High-tech electronic devices.

It's a growing trend lately and it has many law enforcement agencies scratching their heads. Thieves are using high-tech electronic devices to break through the keyless-entry systems that lock up modern cars.

Source: NICB

Former Madison Police Officer Charged with Workers Comp Fraud

A former Madison police officer was charged with one count each of Workers' Compensation Fraud and Perjury, felony offenses punishable by a potential total sentence of 20 years in prison.

Robert ZEeidenberg, 48, of Woodbridge, was arrested Monday by Inspectors from the Workers' Compensation Fraud Control Unit in the Office of the Chief State's Attorney.

The arrest is the result of an investigation into a complaint filed by the Connecticut Interlocal Risk Management Agency, which provides Workers' Compensation coverage to municipalities including the Town of Madison.

Camas woman charged in insurance fraud probe - Four others face charges; another 3 were sentenced

A Camas woman was among five people charged with felonies following an insurance fraud investigation, according to a news release from the Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner. Three others have been sentenced.

Kristina McEllrath, 41, was charged Dec. 21 in Clark County Superior Court with first-degree theft and submitting a false insurance claim for allegedly collecting more than $28,000 in disability insurance payments she wasn’t entitled to, the news release said.

sábado, 5 de diciembre de 2015

Redes sociales, el nuevo megáfono de los violentos

Tashfeen Malik, una de los perpetradores de la masacre en el sur de California, tiene una razón adicional para su triste celebridad: se sumó a la larga lista de extremistas y asesinos trastornados que difunden sus horrendos actos de violencia por las redes sociales.

Un directivo de Facebook dijo el viernes que Malik, bajo un alias, elogió al grupo Estado Islámico a través de la red social poco antes o tal vez durante el ataque mismo.

La publicación de Malik recuerda la de otros violentos que claman por atención, como un periodista de televisión de Virginia que se filmó cuando abrió fuego contra dos colegas y colocó el video en el internet, o un hombre de Florida que mató a su esposa y publicó una foto del cadáver en las redes sociales.

Stating the obvious? FBI awkwardly acknowledges San Bernardino massacre likely terrorism

Three days after a heavily armed Muslim couple who lived in a home investigators described as "an IED factory" burst into a Southern California office building and gunned down 14 people, the FBI finally -- and awkwardly -- acknowledged Friday that it is treating the case as an act of terrorism.

In an unusual and brief address to reporters at which Attorney General Loretta Lynch appeared and questions were not taken on camera, FBI Director James Comey affirmed the bureau's LA office's characterization earlier in the day.

Recommendations to survive an active shooter event

In light of recent mass shooting tragedies, we want to offer some tips as to what to do in case you find yourself in a situation where you are faced with a gunman on a shooting spree. If you take nothing else from this post, please remember these three words: RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.

miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2015

Por qué Estados Unidos lidera en el mundo en cuanto a tiroteos masivos

Este miércoles 2 de diciembre se registró un nuevo tiroteo, esta vez en San Bernardino, California. En 2015 ha habido otros tres: el 1 de octubre en Roseburg, Oregon (nueve muertos más el atacante); el 16 de julio en Chattanooga, Tennessee (cinco muertos más el atacante); y el 17 de junio en una iglesia de Charleston, Carolina del Sur (nueve muertos).

En otro hecho en agosto 2015, un pistolero abrió fuego contra dos reporteros en Virginia y contra la mujer a la que estaban entrevistando en televisión en vivo en agosto de 2015. El atacante estaba influenciado por una larga historia de asesinatos públicos masivos a lo largo del país.

El pistolero, Vester Lee Flanagan II, dijo que admiraba a los pistoleros masivos como al de la Escuela Secundaria de Columbine en 1999 y al de Virginia Tech en el 2007, y que él había dejado un depósito para un arma dos días después de que ocurriera el tiroteo en la iglesia de Charleston, Carolina del Sur, en junio.