viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Crece la posibilidad de que el Presidente Nicolas Maduro enfrente a la Justicia internacional segun periodista Venezolana (Video)

How insurance claim frauds are handled across the world?

Insurance is getting to be one of the most impressive phenomena. Due to its great privileges and higher advantages in making the personal and professional life. of the people most healthy, happy and prosper across the world. The prominent aims of insurance is to provide extensive cover to the all kinds of assets. Properties, ornaments, jewelleries and other valuable corpuses against various risks. Threats and dangerous coming in the form of natural calamities and man-made challenges. Apart from that, in the present environment, superior benefits of insurances are taking up in getting the entire risk cover.

For getting the compensation on the Medi -claim, cashless treatments, surgeries, damage & compensations, thefts & burglary, tour & travelling losses. Partial or full body part loss compensation and death claim covers. On the other hand, majority of businesses. Shop owners are protecting their business against any mishap. by taking the quality use of insurance policies and plans. Due to which they are getting a kind of freedom in carrying out regular business work without much.

Endangered missing adult

Please share: Endangered missing adult -- Astoria Brandon last seen near Biscayne Blvd and 17th Street on August 13th. 

According to family Astoria suffers from schizophrenia and has not been taking her medication. Anyone with information is asked to call Miami PD: 305-603-6300 or 305-603-6310

Source: Miami PD

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2014

ISIS Executioner Identified, FBI Chief Says

The FBI knows the identity of the masked, English-speaking ISIS militant who has been videotaped apparently murdering American hostages, and he is likely from somewhere in North America, FBI Director James Comey said today.

Comey declined to reveal the name of the man, who top U.K. officials previously have saidappeared to be British. Comey told ABC News the FBI and international partners were able to identity him.

In several ISIS videos in which Western hostages appear to be beheaded, an armed militant -- possibly the same man every time -- stands beside them and delivers statements against Western actions against ISIS in Iraq. Then he takes his knife to their throats.

miércoles, 24 de septiembre de 2014

Avanza en La Haya caso contra Presidente Maduro por crímenes de lesa humanidad

La Fiscalía de la Corte Penal Internacional (CPI) de La Haya inició el estudio de una denuncia presentada por más de 300 diputados y senadores de España y América Latina, quienes acusan a la cúpula del régimen de Nicolás Maduro de haber cometido crímenes de lesa humanidad durante la cruenta represión de las manifestaciones de este año.

La denuncia, que también acusa al régimen de hacer uso del sistema judicial venezolano como instrumento de persecución política, atribuye al chavismo una cadena de violaciones a los derechos humanos que habrían sido perpetrados por los cuerpos de seguridad del chavismo durante al feroz represión de los manifestantes que dejó este año más de cuarenta muertos, cientos de heridos, miles de arrestos y docenas de casos documentados de tortura.

VIDEO. Así fue la intervención de Leonardo DiCaprio en la ONU

El actor declaró durante su intervención que vive recreando personajes ficticios que sobrellevan problemas irreales, pero que el cambio climático es un problema verdadero, el cual requiere del compromiso de las naciones para solventarlo y no de las pequeñas acciones de los ciudadanos.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Man shot in back outside North Lauderdale sports bar

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NORTH LAUDERDALE, Fla. - The Broward Sheriff's Office is searching for two men involved in a shooting Sept. 13 outside Player's Sports Bar and Grill in North Lauderdale.

According to deputies, Terrance McClendon, 41, accidentally bumped into two men at the bar. That's when one of the men put McClendon in a headlock and the other one started to hit him.

Security guards eventually intervened and kicked the two men out of the bar.

Deputies said the men waited for McClendon to leave and one of them fired at him in the parking lot. McClendon ran but was eventually shot in the back while one of the men was chasing him.

Loaded Shotgun Discovered at Miami International Airport

Multiple law enforcement agencies, including the FBI, are investigating after a loaded shotgun was found in a bathroom at Terminal D of the Miami International Airport Monday afternoon.

Sources told NBC 6 that while the shotgun was found inside the bathroom, two boxes of ammunition were discovered outside of the bathroom in the terminal. The gun was reportedly found wrapped in a towel around 3:30 p.m.

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2014

'F' Is for Firearm: More Teachers Authorized to Carry Weapons in Classroom

SALT LAKE CITY -- “Stop. Drop your weapon. Don’t shoot.”

Kasey Hansen yelled as she pointed the barrel of her loaded handgun at a target’s chest at a shooting range outside Salt Lake City.

Hansen, a special needs teacher in Utah, is prepared to take down any armed gunman that barges through the doors of one of her classrooms. Hansen carries her pink handgun “Lucy” with her every day in each of the 14 schools at which she teaches. The 27-year-old teacher works with elementary, middle and high school students with hearing impairments in the Granite School District

“I want to protect my students,” Hansen said. “I’m going to stand in front of a bullet for any student that is in my protection and so I want another option to defend us.”

Estado Islámico: "Conquistaremos su Roma, romperemos sus cruces y esclavizaremos a sus mujeres"

ROMA, 22 Sep. 14 / 09:33 am (ACI/Europa Press).- Estado Islámico ha hecho un llamamiento a sus milicianos y seguidores para que maten "del modo que sea" a ciudadanos estadounidenses, europeos y de los países que apoyan la coalición militar en su contra en Irak y Siria, al tiempo que ha advertido a estas naciones de que pagarán un "alto precio" por atacarle.

"Atacad a los soldados, patrones y tropas de los tawaghit (los que superan los límites marcados por Alá). Atacad a sus policías, agentes de seguridad y de Inteligencia, así como a sus traidores agentes. Destruid sus camas. Amargadles las vidas y ocupaos de ellos", ha indicado Abú Muhamad al Adnani, el portavoz de Estado Islámico, en un comunicado publicado en Internet y difundido por el diario digital 'The Long War Journal'.

sábado, 20 de septiembre de 2014

How you and your community can reduce crime in your area

There are many things you can do to help lower or stop the crime in your community. It takes some work, but with time and genuine effort you and your community will see a difference.

1. Visit your local police department to get ideas on how your community can work with them to make it safer for everyone. Some of the benefits of getting together with the local police are :

jueves, 18 de septiembre de 2014

Se difunde nuevo video en que un prisionero británico promete explicar la "verdad" sobre el grupo extremista

El grupo terrorista Estado Islámico publicó el jueves un vídeo del fotoperiodista británico John Cantlie, capturado en Siria en 2012, en el que éste dice que va a revelar la "verdad" sobre la organización yihadista.

En el vídeo publicado en YouTube, llamado 'Préstame atención', Cantlie, colaborador de los diarios Sunday Times, The Sun y también de la AFP, aparece vestido con un mono naranja y afirma estar en manos del EI.

Comunicacion en codigo entre terroristas

¿Cómo es el lenguaje en código de ISIS para planear los ataques terroristas?

Las grabaciones de las llamadas interceptadas hace algunos años, por las autoridades de EE.UU., entre un terrorista convicto y un presunto reclutador de ISIS, revelan el código que utiliza el grupo terrorista para planear los ataques.


miércoles, 17 de septiembre de 2014

FBI launches a face recognition system

The FBI can now quickly identify people just by looking at their faces. Coming soon: eyes, voice, palm print and walking stride.

It's called the FBI's Next Generation Identification system, and the agency said it became fully operational Monday. The government expects the system's database to house 51 million photographs by next year -- and keep growing.

But it's not just for the FBI. Police everywhere will be able to tap into the system. They'll quickly ID fingerprints during a routine traffic stop -- or look up a face while investigating a crime.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Video captures thief robbing woman in Hialeah

Police have released surveillance video of a man who robbed a woman of her purse Sunday, Aug. 31, in front of a Hialeah shopping plaza.

The 65-year-old woman was in front of 4950 West 12th Ave. in Hialeah when she was approached by a man who grabbed her purse, knocking her to the ground. He then proceeded to drag her as she held onto her belongings.

"This man has taken advantage of elderly people," said Eddie Rodriguez of the Hialeah Police Department. "He takes advantage of this poor old lady, walks right up to her, violently snatches her purse right off her shoulder, pulls her while she's desperately trying to hold onto her bag, and he proceeds to drag her until she finally lost her grip."

lunes, 15 de septiembre de 2014

Campaign to combat bullying

The Justice Department announced Monday that Attorney General Eric Holder has recorded a video message as part of the Cartoon Network’s “I Speak Up” campaign to combat bullying. The project urges young people to speak up in order to help bring bullying situations to an end.

Líderes del mundo se reúnen de urgencia para dar respuesta a ISIS

El presidente francés Francois Hollande y el primer ministro iraquí Hidar al-Abadi, se dan la mano durante el encuentro de jefes de Estado contra ISIS.

El asesinato de David Haines aceleró una reunión para dar respuesta a ISIS
La conferencia internacional celebrada este lunes en París para elaborar una estrategia global que combata a los extremistas del Estado Islámico (ISIS, en inglés) concluyó con un acuerdo de la treintena de países participantes para “hacer desaparecer” al Estado Islámico, anunció el ministro francés de Asuntos Exteriores, Laurent Fabius.

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014

Interesante video de la radio estacion Mix 106.5 sobre la trata de personas

¿A quién agregas en redes? Mucho ojo. Compártelo si crees que alguien necesita esta información Necesitamos crear consciencia sobre todo en internet y redes sociales. Compártelo si crees que alguien necesita esta información.

Fuente: Mix 106.5

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2014

Police Searching For Missing Miami Woman

Miami Police officers are asking for the community’s help to find a missing 28-year old woman.

Authorities said Tanya Gonzalez was last seen on September 9th at 3301 NE 1st Avenue.

Her aunt, Yvette Oliver, was the last person to see her. She was wearing a white shirt and blue jeans.

Anyone with information is urged to call the Miami Police Department at (305) 603-6300.
Source: CBS Miami

Moment armed secret service agents took down intruder in Pokemon mask on White House lawn on 9/11 anniversary

Secret Service officers have apprehended a man who jumped over the White House's North Fence and appeared to be heading in the direction of the presidential residence.

President Obama was not in the White House at the time of the incident, as he and wife, First Lady Michelle Obama, were performing community service to commemorate the 13th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The incident occurred at 6.20pm local time, forcing the White House into a lockdown which ended less than an hour later.

martes, 9 de septiembre de 2014

Condenan a José Padilla a 21 años de prisión por terrorismo

Una corte federal de Estados Unidos condenó el martes a José Padilla –y ex miembro de la pandilla Latin Kings de Chicago– a pasar 21 años en prisión, tras considerar que la sentencia anterior –de 17 años– era demasiado indulgente.

La jueza Marcia Cooke impuso la sentencia el martes. En 2007, Padilla fue condenado a 17 años de prisión por apoyo al terrorismo y asociación ilícita. Una corte federal de apelaciones determinó en 2011 que la condena era indulgente, dada la extensa trayectoria delictiva de Padilla y que había recibido entrenamiento en un campamento de al-Qaida en Afganistán.

Programa sobre ISIS con Maria Elvira Salazar (Video)

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014

CNN conversa con los hombres de ISI

Atika Shubert entrevista a militantes británicos del Estado Islámico presentes en Siria, quiénes le cuentan que esperan que Dios les de la bendición de poder realizar una ejecución, tal cómo la del periodista James Foley.


jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

American Man Suspected of Working With ISIS As Social Media Guru

An American man is suspected of working with ISIS as a social media and propaganda guru.

Ahmad Abousamra, 32, grew up in a wealthy Boston suburb and made the dean’s list at Northeastern University, In 2004, he and two other men went to Iraq to attend terrorist training camps. His two co-conspirators became the media wing of al Qaeda.

Abousamra came back to the U.S. and graduated in 2006 with a computer science degree from the University of Massachusetts.

According to the FBI, he and a co-conspirator tried to amass automatic weapons to shoot up a Boston mall, planned to kill two members of the executive branch, and tried to recruit young people. The co-conspirator was arrested and convicted on terrorism charges, while Abousamra was questioned, but then fled to Syria, where he was also a citizen.

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2014

Citizens academy: behind scenes at FBI

For the first time ever in Charleston, FBI agents are giving citizens here a peak into what they do to prevent terrorism. In a 7-week “FBI Citizen’s Academy”, community leaders will get a behind the scenes look at how the FBI operates here.

FBI agents say they get intelligence from citizens, and that’s a good reason to hold an academy… to connect with the people in the community.

FBI agents say South Carolina, not unlike other states, is vulnerable to terrorism because of the large military and naval presence as well as universities that do major research and development. 

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014

Home Depot investigating 'massive' hack

Home Depot is investigating a hack that possibly exposed its customer payment information.

The company on Tuesday confirmed it has partnered with banks and law enforcement to look into "some unusual activity" relating to customers.

Independent cybersecurity journalist Brian Krebs was the first to report this, saying "a massive new batch of stolen credit and debit cards" went for sale Tuesday in the black market online.

In a statement, Home Depot spokeswoman Paula Drake said: "Protecting our customers' information is something we take extremely seriously, and we are aggressively gathering facts at this point while working to protect customers."

Surveillance Video Shows Robbers Attacking 78-Year-Old Man at San Bernardino Gas Station

John Faust had stopped at a San Bernardino gas station in the early morning hours of June 24 when he was suddenly approached by two male robbers armed with guns.

One of the robbers said, “Give me your wallet,” according to Faust, and then punched the 78-year-old great-grandfather in the face.

“The next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground,” Faust said.

Surveillance video, which captured the incident, shows the masked attackers emptying Faust’s pockets and then running away, leaving him unconscious and bleeding on the ground. He was dazed when he came to.

"Yo introduje yihadistas extranjeros en Siria"

Miles de combatientes extranjeros se han unido a las filas de grupos yihadistas en Siria.

Algunos, además de luchar contra el gobierno de Bashar al Asad, también apoyan a Estado Islámico, el grupo extremista islámico que opera en Siria e Irak.

Muchos de ellos son jóvenes occidentales que se cree cruzaron hacia Siria desde Turquía.

Pese a que Ankara aumentó los controles fronterizos en los últimos meses, Londres y Washington están alarmados ante la posibilidad de que Turquía, un miembro de la OTAN, pueda compartir una frontera con lo que consideran como un estado terrorista.

Estado Islámico da a conocer video en el que decapita a rehén EEUU

DUBAI (Reuters) - El grupo militante Estado Islámico dio a conocer un video en el que se muestra la supuesta decapitación del rehén estadounidense Steven Sotloff, informó el martes la web de vigilancia SITE.

En el video, un hombre enmascarado también amenaza a un rehén británico, al que identifica como David Haines, y advierte a los gobiernos que no respalden "la alianza diabólica de Estados Unidos contra el Estado Islámico".

El supuesto ejecutor parece ser el mismo hombre de acento británico que apareció en el video del 19 de agosto que mostraba el asesinato del periodista estadounidense James Foley, y las imágenes parecían estar tomadas en la misma zona desértica. En ambas filmaciones, los cautivos usaban vestimentas naranjas como las de los detenidos en la prisión de Guantánamo.