jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2014

American Man Suspected of Working With ISIS As Social Media Guru

An American man is suspected of working with ISIS as a social media and propaganda guru.

Ahmad Abousamra, 32, grew up in a wealthy Boston suburb and made the dean’s list at Northeastern University, In 2004, he and two other men went to Iraq to attend terrorist training camps. His two co-conspirators became the media wing of al Qaeda.

Abousamra came back to the U.S. and graduated in 2006 with a computer science degree from the University of Massachusetts.

According to the FBI, he and a co-conspirator tried to amass automatic weapons to shoot up a Boston mall, planned to kill two members of the executive branch, and tried to recruit young people. The co-conspirator was arrested and convicted on terrorism charges, while Abousamra was questioned, but then fled to Syria, where he was also a citizen.
Now, ABC News reports that Abousamra has joined ISIS and is spreading propaganda on social media, including elaborate recruiting campaigns on Twitter and YouTube.

Abousamra is on the FBI’s Most Wanted List. There is a $50,000 reward for his return to the U.S.

Source: Fox News