miércoles, 30 de abril de 2014

Miami Police Searching For Missing Teen

Sixteen-year-old Karina Cisneros is the apple of her parent's eyes. She is an honor roll student whose many school certificates and plaques decorate the family home that she vanished from Monday.
"She is my only daughter, and you can imagine how we feel. She is an excellent girl. She is so sweet. She is an excellent student," said her mother Zoila Matienzo.
Monday, Matienzo came back from an appointment to an empty house. Her daughter was nowhere to be found. She'd left all her clothes and belongings intact. Then Tuesday, she got a heartbreaking phone call from her daughter.
"Mommy, I am ok, don't worry, I am ok. When I tried to speak more, She hang(sic) up," Matienzo said.
Miami Police and Karina's parents said the teen may be with Javier Pperaza, the teen's former social studies teacher at Kinlock Park Middle School. Sources told NBC6 he was removed from that position in February. Karina is now in 10th.


Podemos vestirnos de otra manera, hacernos una operación para cambiar algún rasgo físico y hasta actuar con otros modales, pero hay algo que no podremos cambiar nunca, jamás: nuestra huella dactilar. Esa impresión que tenemos en la yema de los dedos define nuestra identidad, como si el ADN quisiera decirnos que realmente somos únicos e irrepetibles.
Algo que podría ser otro rasgo de nuestro maravilloso organismo resultó en una revolución para la identificación certera de los individuos y, por ende, en una herramienta fundamental de la policía científica.
Hubo varios visionarios en el uso de la huella dactilar como medio de individualización, pero fue el croata nacionalizado argentino Juan Vucetich quien, el 1 de septiembre de 1891, hizo las primeras fichas dactilares del mundo con las huellas de 23 procesados. Desde entonces, se celebra esa fecha como el Día Mundial de la Dactiloscopía, disciplina científica que se dedica al estudio y la práctica de esta especialidad.

Firearms Instructor Arrested In Probe of Bogus Armed Security Guard Licenses

State agents Tuesday arrested the owner of a gun shop and security school, charging him with fraudulently certifying he witnessed an armed security guard applicant pass a firearms proficiency test when, the state Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services alleges, he did not instruct the applicant.

Frank Abay, 43, is one of about 20 state-licensed firearms instructors the Team6 Investigators has confirmed are under investigation for providing fraudulent firearms proficiency certificates to about 2,400 armed security guards.

He is charged with four felonies: scheme to defraud, forgery, uttering a fraudulent firearms training certificate and witness tampering.

Abay was a subject in a Team6 Investigation last week that traced one apparently fraudulent certificate to an armed guard who killed a barber shop owner in the Little Haiti mall he was patrolling, and was then shot to death by a Miami police officer.

martes, 29 de abril de 2014

Video Shows Cop Stealing Watch From Jewelry Store Burglary Scene: Pembroke Pines Police (Video)

Pembroke Pines Police released video Monday of an officer who they say was caught on camera stealing a watch when he responded to a jewelry store burglary 

Pembroke Pines Police released video Monday of an officer who they say was caught on camera stealing a watch when he responded to a jewelry store burglary. Police said the video shows Officer Kevin Burgs, who was arrested and charged with grand theft after he took a watch worth $795 from the Jared's Galleria of Jewelry at 11077 Pines Boulevard back on Feb. 5.

Desmantelan red ilegal de venta de oxicodona en Miami-Dade

Agentes federales han arrestado a miembros de una red ilegal de distribuición de oxicodona que operaba desde un apartamento de una casa en el sector noroeste del Condado Miami-Dade. 

Once miembros de la supuesta red, entre ellos seis mujeres, han comparecido ante la corte federal en Miami y algunos se declararon inocentes de los cargos de que poseían oxicodona con intención de distribuirla. 

La oxicodona es un medicamento altamente controlado que se vende solo por receta. Los médicos la recetan principalmente para mitigar el dolor, pero es ampliamente utilizada por los adictos a los narcóticos. 

La detención de los presuntos miembros de la organización, a mediados de abril, fue el más reciente episodio de arrestos de sospechosos de vender oxicodona ilegalmente en el país. 

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

Sex Trafficking Ring Busted In Indian River County, Sheriff Says

VERO BEACH, Fla. -- A human and drug trafficking ring is busted in Vero Beach. The man who was arrested sold women for sex, according to the Indian County Sheriff's Office. CBS 12's Jana Eschbach has more in the video above.
Source: CBS

California: Mujer confiesa haber matado a su bebé

LIVERMORE, California, EE.UU. -- Una joven mujer confesó a las autoridades que mató a cuchilladas a su bebé de siete meses en un parque en el norte de California, dijo la policía el domingo.

Ashley Newton, de 23 años, fue arrestada el sábado bajo sospecha de asesinato, dijo la policía de parques del distrito East Bay Regional en un comunicado.

Los investigadores estaban entrevistando a la familia y amigos con esperanzas de determinar los motivos del presunto crimen.

domingo, 27 de abril de 2014

Operation Found Safe - Josiah Gyngard ~ age 17 ~ missing from Zephyrhills, FL

Josiah Gyngard ~ age 17 ~ missing from Zephyrhills, FL since 02/21/14. He is 5'9" tall, weighs 145 lbs, has greenish blue eyes and brown curly hair. Contact Pasco County Detective Voyer at (352) 518-5002 or Private Investigator Jim Randle (407) 982-4276.
Source: Operation Found Safe

With power of facial recognition and high-tech surveillance, where to draw the line between safety and spying?

The FBI’s Next Generation Identification program, officially launching this summer, will give police access to more data than ever before by way of biometrics—biological marks from facial scans and palm prints—to identify suspects. Some opponents worry this growing web of security will give police too much personal information without a warrant. The Center for Investigative Reporting’s Amanda Pike reports.


New surveillance techniques raise privacy concerns

A report from the Center for Investigative Reporting and KQED delves into a wide-scale surveillance system being developed for police forces. How can the trade off between safety and privacy be negotiated as technology gets more and more sophisticated?


jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

D.C. Cop Caught Running Child Prostitution Ring Out of His Apartment, Missing Girl Found Inside

Linwood Barnhill Jr., a veteran of the D.C. Police Department, is the latest scum to hit the Badge Abuse charts. An early morning search warrant issued for his Southeast D.C. apartment found a 15 year old girl who had previously been reported missing by her parents.

According to documents, the girl who was discovered was part of a prostitution ring being run by the cop.

During the early morning search of the officer’s home, MPD officers discovered the girl in a back bedroom. She told officers that she had met the suspect about two weeks ago, and after several meetings, the suspect told her that he had made a “date” for her with an older man.

That “date” was of to be a sexual nature, documents say. The teenage girl, whom the suspect told the victim that her prostitution name was to be “Juicy” – was told she’d be paid $80 for performing sexual acts on the man and that she was supposed to give $20 of that to the suspect.

She also told officers that she had met six other girls inside the Southeast D.C. apartment who told her that they were also being prostituted, including with ads posted on backpage.com. The suspect also allegedly took naked photos of the girls, purportedly for use in advertisements for sex.

Four caught breaking into ‘bait car’

RENO — Three adults and one juveline were arrested Thursday after Washoe County Sheriff’s Office detectives caught them breaking into a “bait vehicle” being used in a sweep of vehicle burglaries.

The sheriff’s office maintains several “bait vehicles” in a partnership with the National Insurance Crime Bureau designed to target vehicle thefts and burglaries.

As a result of 11 vehicle burglaries at the Michael D. Thompson Trailhead, detectives placed the vehicle at the trailhead parking area and maintained surveillance in the area. At about 1 p.m. Thursday, an undercover detective who was hidden in the nearby brush saw a gold-colored GMC SUV enter the parking area.

Two passengers exited the SUV and began looking into the windows of vehicles in the area. Nicholas Walther, a 21-year-old Reno resident, used a glass punch to break the window of the bait vehicle. He then removed a laptop computer and a GPS device. The other suspect, a 17-year-old Sun Valley resident, was seen peering into another vehicle in the area. The two then jumped into the SUV, which left the area.

BSO: Crime Rate Fell In 2013

FORT LAUDERDALE  – In Florida and in the areas where the Broward Sheriff’s Office provides service, the crime rate fell in 2013, officials said.

According to BSO, violent crimes declined in 2013 as did property crimes and the arrests of juveniles.

Broward Sheriff Scott Israel credited targeting investigative work, enhanced work with the community and intelligence led policing as some of the the efforts that led to a major drop in the crime rate.

“We’re going after the most violent offenders,” Israel told CBS 4′s Carey Codd. “We’re using confidential informants, we’re using surveillances and sophisticated investigations.”

Here are the stats: Violent crimes dropped by 13 percent, robberies fell by 21 percent, car thefts decreased by 14 percent and juvenile arrests dropped nearly 22 percent from 2012 to 2013.

The Drones Are Coming: FAA-approved labs test UAVs for use in US skies

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – At Texas A&M University in Corpus Christi, a helicopter drone hovers menacingly over a robot vehicle. The vehicle tries to evade the drone, turning right and left – surging forward and backward. Like an angry wasp, the drone swoops back and forth, staying directly in front of the robot – exactly one meter away, one meter off the ground. 

And it does it all without a human at the controls. In fact, human hands can’t replicate what the drone did with such precision.

It’s all part of a series of complex experiments to determine whether drones can be safely integrated into already-crowded U.S. airspace, and what they might best be used for.

“I believe they’re going to be a big part of our future,” said university President Flavius Killebrew. “Maybe not in the way you see on some of the ads, but in ways that we haven’t even conceived of yet.”

Un 'hacker' publica la identidad de dos violadores y se enfrenta a una pena mayor


En ocasiones hacer justicia sale más caro que mirar en otra dirección. Es el caso de Deric Lostutter, un hacktivista de 26 años que se enfrenta a una pena de diez años de cárcel por revelar públicamente la identidad de dos violadores. Es, paradójicamente, más tiempo del que pasará en la cárcel uno de los violadores, cuya minoría de edad le ha servido para salir en pocos meses gracias a su "buena conducta".

El lamentable incidente tuvo lugar durante la noche del 11 de agosto de 2012 en Steubenville, una pequeña localidad de Ohio (Estados Unidos). Visiblemente afectada por el alcohol, una joven de 16 años flirtea con cuatro jugadores del equipo de fútbol americano del instituto local. Desoyendo el consejo de sus amigos, que le instan a permanecer junto a ellos, abandona la fiesta junto a los desconocidos. Después, la adolescente no recuerda más que despertarse desnuda en un salón ajeno, sin ropa interior, pendientes ni teléfono móvil.

Como es habitual en casos que envuelven a adolescentes y alcohol, los agresores dejaron un amplio rastro de sus fechorías en internet. Los investigadores del FBI confiscaron y analizaron quince smartphones y dos tabletas de los implicados, obteniendo decenas de mensajes de texto, así como los testimonios complementarios de amigos, familiares y personal docente del instituto.

North Miami Beach Man Arrested in Sex Trafficking of High School Girls: Sources

A man suspected of human trafficking appeared in bond court Wednesday
A North Miami Beach man has been arrested in connection with a human trafficking operation in which girls from a nearby high school were allegedly going to be sold for sex.

David Llama Lopez, 46, was arrested after a search warrant was executed at a home just off Biscayne Boulevard and 123rd Street, according to the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office.

Building manager David Clattenburg said Lopez was staying as a guest at his brother's apartment.

Lopez has been charged with two counts each of human trafficking, procuring a minor for prostitution, and contributing to the delinquency of a minor.

Sources told NBC 6 that Lopez had allegedly made contact with students at North Miami High School and planned to have them participate in an illegal human trafficking operation where they would be required to have sex.

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

Hombre de Miami culpable de asesinar a su esposa para cobrar póliza de $1 millón

Tras el veredicto, Myriam Benítez apretó los párpados de sus ojos llorosos, se dejó caer de rodillas en la parte trasera del juzgado de Miami-Dade y unió las manos en oración. Después de 12 años de agonía, Benítez escuchó finalmente lo que ella siempre sabía que es la verdad:

Michel Escoto es culpable del feroz asesinato de la hija de Benítez, Wendy Trápaga.

Los jurados deliberaron el martes menos de tres horas antes de presentar el veredicto en contra de Escoto, quien apenas estuvo casado cuatro días con Trápaga en octubre del 2002, cuando ella fue estrangulada y golpeada ferozmente con una barra de hierro, en un plan para cobrar una póliza de seguros de $1 millón.

“La verdad triunfó sobre las mentiras”, dijo Benítez, quien durante todo el juicio llevó puesto un elegante camafeo de oro adornado con la imagen de Trápaga. “Dios nos acompañó a través de todo este proceso. Mi hija descansará en paz”.

martes, 22 de abril de 2014

Facebook te dejará rastrear a tus amigos

Tu teléfono siempre sabe dónde estás. Y ahora, si quieres, tus amigos en Facebook también podrán saber dónde te encuentras.

Facebook está introduciendo una función para celulares llamada "Nearby Friends" (Amigos Cercanos), la cual saca provecho de la constante transmisión de información sobre la ubicación de un usuario, para que los amigos puedan conocerla en tiempo real.

La idea es facilitar que las personas se reúnan en persona, para que puedan tener conversaciones cara a cara en lugar de en hilos de comentarios, remplazando los "me gusta" y "LOL" con contacto visual y con la risa real. Un encuentro en vivo también es una excelente oportunidad para tomarte una selfie con tu amigo(a) y publicarla en Instagram, que es propiedad de Facebook.

Cómo se puede vaticinar el crimen usando "Big Data"

Cesare Lombroso, un médico italiano del siglo XIX, logró la fama al declarar que era capaz de identificar a un criminal solo por su apariencia.

Ese método le permite a la policía ser menos reactiva, dice, y lentamente empieza a revelar los verdaderos focos de líos y personas problemáticas en un vecindario, un conjunto residencial o una calle.

Cuando surge información como esa, la policía puede hacer algo al respecto mucho antes de que alguien llame el número de urgencias. Y eso tiene en cuenta tanto a las personas como a los bares o los clubes.

El software de análisis de datos se enlaza con iniciativas del gobierno de las llamadas "familias problemáticas" que pueden ser el nexo de muchos problemas en localidades y ciudades.

FBI Seeking Public Assistance in the Investigation of an International Teacher Suspected of Molesting Children

The FBI is asking for the public’s help to identify victims of a suspected serial child predator who taught in private American schools overseas in nine different countries beginning in 1972 and whose young victims—believed to be boys between the ages of 12 and 14—may be unaware of what happened to them.

William James Vahey, a 64-year-old U.S. citizen who was jailed in California in 1969 for child molestation, committed suicide last month days after his employer saw a thumb drive belonging to him that contained pornographic images of boys who were likely drugged. 

At the time, Vahey was teaching ninth-grade world history and geography at the American Nicaraguan School in Managua.

25-I, LSD-like drug, emerges in northwest Indiana

Police are warning about a fairly new hallucinogenic drug that turned up over spring break in Indiana.

It's called "25-I" and is a synthetic substance related to LSD and ecstasy.
The Michigan City Police Department provided a photo of the drug that is sold as a white powder or liquid and can be mixed with alcohol or energy drinks.

Authorities say 25-I may trigger violent episodes and seizures and it was confirmed as the cause of one death at a festival in New Orleans last fall.

Source: ABC 7 NEWS

jueves, 17 de abril de 2014

Police Seek Man Who Put Strip Club Bouncer In Hospita

The search is on for a man who used a concrete base of a pole to blindside a south Miami-Dade strip club bouncer last month. (Source: Miami-Dade Police)
The search is on for a man who used a concrete base of a pole to blindside a south Miami-Dade strip club bouncer last month.
On March 7th, around 3:30a.m, Dwayne Isaacs, 31, was working at QT’s Cabaret Gentlemen’s Club on S Dixie Highway when a fight broke out.
Surveillance tape from inside the club’s entrance shows several people including club employees involved in an intense verbal disagreement. One of the men, in a white t-shirt, is then scene outside the club in the parking lot.
As Isaacs walks away from the club, the video shows the man in the white t-shirt pick-up a parking lot pole with a circular concrete base, run towards the bouncer and swing it at his head.

EEUU: Hombre asalta banco para volver a prisión

Walter Unbehaun, de 73 años, un ex convicto de Rock Hill, Carolina del Sur, cuando robaba un banco en Niles, Illinois, según esta imagen de una cámara de seguridad, el 9 de febrero de 2013. Unbehaum fue capturado y el jueves le será dictada sentencia en Chicago. Unbehaum dijo que asaltó el banco porque quería regresar a la prisión. En un periodo de 50 años, Unbehaun sólo pasó seis fuera de prisión.

Read more here: http://www.elnuevoherald.com/2014/04/17/1728209/eeuu-hombre-asalta-banco-para.html#storylink=cpy
Walter Unbehaun había pasado casi toda su vida de adulto tras las rejas, así que no es sorpresa que el jueves le dicten sentencia por la comisión de otro delito: un robo a un banco el año pasado.
Sin embargo, si causó asombro el motivo de esta persona para asaltar el banco: extrañaba la prisión.
Unbehaun, de 74 años, había desertado cuando iba en la secundaria y se había dedicado de tiempo parcial a la reparación de bañeras.

Florida police save 14-year-old girl from sex trafficking and arrest 44 in three-day prostitution sting

Busted: Police claim Gregory L. Foster attempted to force a 14-year-old girl into prostitution
A sweeping prostitution sting in Orlando captured a sex trafficker intent on forcing a 14-year-old girl into the world of sex trafficking on its very first night. 

Gregory Lionel Foster, 28, has been charged with kidnapping, human trafficking, and drug charges after he showed up at a motel with the teen in hopes of selling her services and found police rather than a paying customer. He is also charged with lewd and lascivious battery. 

The three-day prostitution sting that captured him finished on Saturday with 44 arrests.

martes, 15 de abril de 2014

Estudio: Marihuana lleva a cambios cerebrales

Un pequeño estudio de fumadores ocasionales de marihuana ha identificado pruebas de cambios cerebrales, una posible señal de problemas a futuro, dicen los investigadores.
Los adultos jóvenes que participaron voluntariamente en el estudio no son adictos a la droga ni presentaban ningún problema relacionado con ella.
"Opinamos que son indicios de lo que se puede convertir en un problema más adelante con el uso prolongado de la marihuana", cosas como falta de concentración y afectación del juicio, dijo el doctor Hans Breiter, uno de los autores del estudio.

Video shows large al Qaeda meeting in Yemen

WASHINGTON — A new video shows what looks like the largest and most dangerous gathering of al Qaeda in years. 

And the CIA and the Pentagon either didn’t know about it or couldn’t get a drone there in time to strike. U.S. officials won’t comment on that, but every frame of the video is now being analyzed by the United States. 

In the middle of the clip, the man known as al Qaeda’s crown prince, Nasir al-Wuhayshi, appears brazenly out in the open, greeting followers in Yemen. Al-Wuhayshi, the No. 2 leader of al Qaeda globally and the head of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, has said he wants to attack the United States. 

Cómo saber que alguien ha puesto droga en tu bebida

La seguridad en los establecimientos, fiestas y reuniones donde se consumen bebidas con y sin alcohol, resulta un tema delicado hoy en día. La certeza de que la bebida que tomes no provoque algún peligro para tu salud y tu integridad es primordial, pero cómo saber si alguien puso alguna droga en tu bebida.
 La Encuesta Mundial sobre las Drogas (GDS) menciona que tanto el gamma hidroxibutirato (GHB), el Rohipnol y la ketamina se han usado para facilitar las llamados "ataques sexuales asistidos por drogas". 
Por otro lado, la compañía DrinkSavvy desarrolla una tecnología que incorporada en el material con el que se fabrican los vasos, experimenta un cambio de color visible cuando detecta algunadroga en su contenido, sin embargo esta tecnología sigue en proceso de pruebas.
  ¡Ten cuidado!
Existen algunos elementos que ayudan a saber si alguien ha puesto alguna droga en tu bebida. Si alguna vez has tenido duda sobre la procedencia de  líquido, sustancia, tisana, bebida, o has detectado algo inusual, no dudes en rechazarla.

lunes, 14 de abril de 2014

Citigroup anuncia segundo caso de fraude en México

El banco estadounidense Citigroup anunció el lunes que había descubierto un segundo caso de fraude en su filial mexicana, Banamex, un poco menos importante que el primero, que le costó 235 millones de dólares el año pasado.

El director financiero, John Gerspach, indicó, al margen de la presentación de los resultados trimestrales, que ese segundo caso tenía "similitudes" con el primero, concerniente a Oceanografia (OSA), una empresa mexicana de servicios petroleros a la que Banamex había otorgado préstamos por alrededor de 585 millones de dólares a corto plazo.

Body Language vs Micro-Expressions - Debunking the myths of "micro-expressions"

Thoughtful questions often prompt thoughtful analysis and recently a series of questions from a reader regarding "micro-expressions" had such an effect on me. His questions made me stop and think about how the public perceives "micro expressions" and their significance in our overall understanding of body language, and more importantly, their relevance in detecting deception.

By now most people have heard of "micro-expressions" as a result of the show Lie to Me, or because the term has been popularized by the media.

Horror en Utah: hallan 7 cadáveres de bebés en la casa de una mujer

“Sigue siendo una investigación abierta por lo que todavía estamos trabajando ”

Una mujer fue detenida luego de que la policía encontró los cuerpos de siete infantes empaquetados en cajas de cartón en una casa de la comunidad de Pleasant Grove, Utah.

La policía sospecha que a lo largo de un periodo de 10 años, la mujer dio a luz a seis de esos infantes y luego los mató.

domingo, 13 de abril de 2014

Drones Take Home Defense to the Air | VIDEO

From deadbolt locks to security alarms to motion-activated cameras, the evolution of home defense has been taken to new and exciting levels over the years.

So it’s no surprise that creation of innovative designs in home security has gone up … literally.

Remote-controlled drones take home defense to the air, allowing the homeowner to survey any potential threats on their property from the safety of their living room.

The drone can be controlled manually via a remote or it can be hooked up to a computer that is controlled by the homeowner. One simple tap of the computer screen puts the drone in flight. Once a specific location is inputted into the computer, the drone will take off and survey the location, relaying a video back to either a monitor on the drone’s controller or a pair of video goggles worn by the homeowner.

FBI Searching For Broward Bank Robber

FORT LAUDERDALE  —  The FBI is asking for the public’s help to identify a man accused of robbing a Broward bank Sunday afternoon.
It all happened at a TD Bank located at 7345 W Oakland Park Boulevard.
Officials said the robber walked into the bank and demanded money from a bank employee then took an undisclosed amount of money.
No customers were inside at the time of the robbery and no injuries were reported.
Anyone with information is urged to call the FBI at (305) 944-9101.
To give an anonymous tip call Broward Crimestoppers at (954) 493- TIPS

Operation Found Safe is seeking licensed investigators

Operation Found Safe is seeking licensed investigators and/or investigation companies to join our team. Our volunteer investigators serve as a link between Operation Found Safe and law enforcement for the sole purpose of locating missing children. This is volunteer work but brings with it many benefits, not only knowing that you will have played a vital role rescuing children from trafficking or worse, but also joining Operation Found Safe you will become part of our nationwide network of truly dedicated & knowledgeable licensed investigators. Licensed investigators are needed in all 50 states!

Insurance Fraud, a Booming Crime Ring (Video)

Encrypted chips help fight credit card fraud

Experts say 90 percent to 95 percent of credit cards in the U.S. will have the chips within two years.

DES MOINES, Iowa -- Bruce Schmiedlin does not worryabout a criminal counterfeiting his credit card. The Grimes accountant's MasterCard is embedded with an encrypted chip that requires a personal identification number to access.

The cards represent the latest weapon in the battle against counterfeiters. Industry experts say 90 percent to 95 percent of credit cards in the U.S. will have the chips within two years.

Just 1 percent to 5 percent of U.S. credit cards use the technology now, they say.

Schmiedlin said he had a run-in with a cashier about the card. The worker had never seen an EMV card, which is named after three organizations — Europay, MasterCard and Visa — that first advocated for them. He became confused when he swiped the card and received a message asking him to insert it into the EMV-compatible terminal.

4 fraudulent workers compensation claims that were caught in the act

SALT LAKE CITY — It's hardly breaking news that we all pay for insurance fraud in the form of higher insurance rates. The exact cost is unknown, but the National Insurance Crime Bureau reports that billions of dollars of false claims are submitted each year.
At Workers Compensation Fund, our special investigations unit's efforts saved $2.8 million in 2013. WCF also saw a 54 percent increase in the number of claims flagged to be investigated in 2013. With March being International Fraud Prevention Month, below are four WCF conviction stories from 2013.

Declarado culpable joven que mató a 3 amigos en accidente de auto

Un joven que mató a tres amigos durante una carrera espontánea de autos que acabó en un terrible accidente en West Miami-Dade enfrenta una condena de hasta 75 años de cárcel luego de ser convicto el viernes de homicidio vehicular.
Los jurados deliberaron solamente dos horas para hallar culpable a Alberto de Jesús Coterón Oliva, de 22 años, por la muerte de sus amigos en agosto del 2011.
El será sentenciado en algún momento de los próximos meses.
Los adolescentes que murieron en el choque: Verónica Santiago, de 17 años, Isis Maciel Jiménez, de 15, y Daniel Cárdenas, de 17.
Ellos habían salido esa noche a pasar el rato con Coterón en el Dolphin Mall en Doral y decidieron dar una vueltas en el Honda Civic de 1994 de Coterón.

La crisis politica debilita y golpea a los servicios de inteligencia de Venezuela

La crisis de liquidez por la que atraviesa el gobierno venezolano está restringiendo dramáticamente sus operaciones de inteligencia, llevándole a concentrarse solo en los adversarios de la “revolución bolivariana” que se encuentran dentro del país y reduciendo a un mínimo el monitoreo de potenciales amenazas externas, dijeron fuentes familiarizadas con la situación.
La falta de dinero está impactando las costosas operaciones en el exterior del régimen de Nicolás Maduro, incluyendo las de su cuerpo diplomático y las del Servicio Bolivariano de Inteligencia Nacional (SEBIN), dijeron las fuentes que hablaron bajo condición de anonimato.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2014

Secret Service seeking bids for new presidential limo

Washington The Department of Homeland Security plans to award a contract for the design of the next-generation presidential limousine by late August, to be ready by the time the next president takes office in 2017.

According to a contract proposal posted last week by the U.S. Secret Service on the government’s contracting site, the administration plans to award the contract by Aug. 29, “based on best value to the government.”

EE.UU. alerta que hackers buscan 'víctimas' por Heartbleed

Estados Unidos alertó que los hackers podrían estar tratando de aprovecharse de la brecha informática creada por el fallo informático Heartbleed a través de escáneres sistemáticos de la web.
El gobierno estadounidense advirtió que estarían rastreando las redes de computadores en búsqueda de objetivos vulnerables.
La vulnerabilidad Heartbleed fue revelada el pasado 7 de abril por Google y afecta a un programa utilizado para asegurar la confidencialidad de las comunicaciones a través de internet.
Se considera una brecha de seguridad y privacidad sin precedentes en la historia de internet.

miércoles, 9 de abril de 2014

Cacería en contra de violador sexual

Se acerco a una mujer fingiendo ser un buen samaritano, solo para enfocar en ella sus bajas pasiones.
LOS ÁNGELES (California) - El Departamento de Policía de Corona, pide la ayuda de la comunidad para atrapar a un abusador sexual.

Según el reporte, este individuo se acercó a una mujer de 34 años, con el pretexto de obtener monedas a cambio de un billete.

'Heartbleed', el fallo que amenaza dos tercios de las páginas web del mundo

Una vulnerabilidad de internet llamada Heartbleed (sangrado del corazón) podría poner en riesgo tu información personal, incluidas contraseñas, datos de tarjetas de crédito y correos electrónicos.
Heartbleed es una falla en OpenSSL, una tecnología de encriptación de código abierto usada por al menos dos tercios de los servidores web.
Está detrás de muchos sitios HTTPS que recolectan información personal o financiera, identificados con el icono de un pequeño candado en la barra de direcciones, el cual permite a los usuarios saber que los datos que envían están escondidos de los ojos espías.

Trafficking in human beings - Interpol

Trafficking in human beings is a multi-billion-dollar form of international organized crime, constituting modern-day slavery. Clearly, this type of crime crosses geographical borders so we have systems in place to allow police to share information internationally. We also coordinate operations to dismantle the organized networks behind these crimes

Snowden: "El espionaje masivo es la mayor amenaza para los derechos civiles"

“Snowden señaló que filtró los secretos de la agencia para mejorar al gobierno, no para derrocarlo”
El espionaje masivo de ciudadanos por parte de las agencias de inteligencia es "la amenaza más significativa para los derechos civiles en los tiempos modernos", aseguró hoy por videoconferencia desde Rusia el ex agente estadounidense Edward Snowden en una audiencia sobre el tema ante la Asamblea Parlamentaria del Consejo de Europa, con sede en la ciudad francesa de Estrasburgo.

martes, 8 de abril de 2014

Up in the Sky—It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s the FBI

About an hour outside its headquarters in Quantico, Va., the FBI's Hostage Rescue Team offers “advanced skydiving techniques and training" so that agents can drop in undetected. (Or just maybe so they can reenact scenes from Point Break)

You never know how and where the bad guys are going to strike next. That explains the FBI’s Hostage Rescue Team’s need for “advanced skydiving techniques and training”—so the good guys can also strike in unexpected ways, like from above.